Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Its a mod, mod world

This isn't the best photo of me, however, the shirt is incredible.  I bought it at Street Scene.    The material remains a mystery to me, since the garment was purchased second hand and the tag was cut out.  But I LOVE the prints.  It makes me feel like I'm truly living in the era of the 60's and 70's.  As I always say, I was born into the wrong decade.  Note: the Hendrix poster and tie-dye tapestry in the background! Fashion and music will NEVER be the same as it was back then, and I envy the baby-boomers for getting to experience it!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Black and Yellow

This jacket is my favorite new addition to my wardrobe!  The combination of yellow, black, and white reminds me so much of home. I passed it in Street Scene, and it was screaming my name.  It has a 60's feel to it, but is fashionable to wear every day!